Me and my Mom in Vancouver

Me and my Mom in Vancouver

Saturday, August 7, 2010


Well I raced in Bracebridge today, just doing the sprint triathlon using it for a good brick session for Toronto Island next weekend. I did pretty good for myself today being a sprint in all, had one of the fastest swim of my life which was great. The bike can be improved and I can do alot better on it. For my run I was focusing more so on my form, which has improved and it allows me to run more efficiently, I felt it less also on the run, but could have pushed it more, I guess when Toronto Island happens I have to push the entire way.

I felt good about the race overall, came in 8th overall and 3rd in my age group. I have to get faster in all three disciplines if I want to make a run for going for provincials and nationals, next year.

This means it will be a fall/winter/spring of intense masters swim, and biking with the Kelowna semi-pro team. As well as joining a track team or a running group focusing on speed work.

I will get faster over time, all I have to do is put in the time and effort. I am stepping in the right direction with my moving up in the overall standings which is good. I am thinking though that I may just go pro for myself and being on the Canada team may not be for me, I could prob increase my overall performance by just going pro, and ripping up the courses and making some money along the way, with picking up a few sponsors.

anyways thanks for reading.