Me and my Mom in Vancouver

Me and my Mom in Vancouver

Friday, June 11, 2010

weekend before Binbrooke

Ok, its just a few days till the Binbrooke triathlon, and training has been going smoothly I think. I'm not totally sure on where I'm at in training and in my preparation. I think my swimming has improved greatly then last time, I have really attempted on focusing on my speed in the swim, because I have the endurance to last its just that I am still extremely slow at it.

Biking has been really good, I think I have gotten some good speed work down for it, and I have been able to maintain some good pace on the bike, it is still my strength above all else but I still have to work on it. My run is pretty decent gotten a little faster on it so hopefully that goes well.

I just now have to put them all together, and I am afraid of that, I am still afraid of being ready for the race. I am really nervous about the race, but I hopefully have a strategy worked out for it.

I am hoping to push myself a little more so this time, and throw down a solid performance, this is all on the road leading up to me becoming a pro, being 4th in my age group I think is a pretty good achievement for me, and 20th overall. I am hoping that I will be able to improve on that placing, and that I can report good things for after the race.

I would still very much appreciate any suggestions or comments that anyone has for me for training, I am pretty much going into this blind, but I feel respectively confident about my abilities.

I still feel weird starting out into triathlon's a little later in my life then most of the other athletes, who seem to start at 16, while i started at 19. I will hopefully just try to rip up the course, being 20 and all, and not yet pro I guess, but I'm working on that. :)

Anyways thanks to whoever reads this, and I will hopefully have something good to say next week after my race.

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